352nd Special Warfare Training Sq. 1 Matero Dr., Bldg. 501, Pope AAF, NC 28308

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Special Warfare School
Heritage Center
Please, no .mil or .gov addresses.
So we may contact you if we have questions. Your personal data is not shared with any other agency.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
.jpg,.png,.gif,.doc,.docx,.xls,.xlsx,.pdf,.ppt,.wav,.mp3,.mp4,.mpv,.mov,.wmv file types are permitted.
Provide photo, video or PDF captions, or details such as name(s), date(s), location, event to accompany upload. If none... then 'None'.
Additional questions, comments, suggestions or a message you think is useful in defining your submission or helping us improving this form, or the website.

Your Contribution…

Here, you can contribute to the History and Heritage Collection by uploading files to our server.  

We will catalog your submission and add it to the growing online collection of Special Warfare documentation and media that defines the History, Heritage and Legacy of the United States Air Force Special Operations Command.  

From the birth of Combat Control Teams following World War II through the War on Terror and the Special Warfare and Humanitarian engagements defining the unique missions of Combat Controllers, Special Reconnaissance, Pararescue and Tactical Air Control Party Special Warfare Airmen, the Special Warfare School Heritage Center mission is to preserve, protect and present the history, heritage and legacy for the future. 

Submitting Media…

The Media Upload Form gives you a resource to submit photos, videos, and documentation you have in your personal collection or files you have access to, to share with the SWSHC.

File Sizes: 

Submit up to 10 files at a time, totaling up to 300Mb. If you have more files to submit, just submit more than one form, or contact us to arrange an alternate method of submission.

File Types:

Permitted file types are  .jpg, .png, .gif, .doc, .xls, .xlsx, .pdf, .ppt, .wav, .mp3, .mp4, .mov, and .wmv files.  If you have other file types to submit that are not permitted, contact us to arrange an alternate method of submission.  

Upload Details:

It is helpful if you can provide some detail about the file(s) submitted so we can caption, or include the story details behind the media or documents.  


We are always looking for ways to improve the website and our forms (within the limitations defined by the server).  

If you have suggestions or questions that help guide our mission to better server the Special Warfare Community, please add those  in the Comments/Message section at the bottom of the form.


We know your time is valuable.  From the President and the Board of Directors, The Special Warfare School and Heritage Center thanks you for your contribution to helping us protect and preserve the history, heritage and legacy of the U. S. A. F. Special Warfare Community and the Special Operations Warriors who have led the way.